How to make the most of your Baccarat game

How to make the most of your Baccarat game

Welcome to the inaugural Baccarat guide. Here I will be showing you how to use your baccarat strategy in the best possible way, to get you the most out of your game. My aim is to give you everything you need to know about playing Baccarat so that you can build your strategy based on what you know about the game.

Over the years I have played baccarat countless times, and although I never was the best player I had a decent track record of winning. Through my experiences and my research on the internet, I have been able to find out the best methods that you can use to play Baccarat in the best possible way. I have also taken all the things I have learnt and used them in a system that I call Baccarat Magic.

What is Baccarat Magic?

Baccarat Magic is the name of my system that I use to play baccarat. It is a game that has simple rules, yet many strategies to be able to play it to a win.

My system consists of 5 rules:

  • Use the right card
  • Bet big
  • Use the best bet
  • Get the best hand
  • Use the best betting system

These rules are quite simple and will give you a base to build your strategy on.


As I mentioned in my previous article, one of the biggest mistakes that I have seen players make when playing Baccarat is that they don’t bet big enough. Because Baccarat is a game that is highly dependent on luck, it is important to bet as much as you can so that you can try to win.

The most important rule is to bet big. The ideal amount to bet on each hand is around 4x the pot. In Baccarat this can be anything between £0 and £4000 on a typical 6-deck game.

Of course you should not bet the maximum amount on every hand, but you should always bet big on good hands and small on bad ones. This way you will build your bankroll over the long term.

Another rule I would like to highlight is that you should always bet on the best hand. When you bet on the best hand, you are making sure that your bet is one of the best bets available to you. If the player with the best hand is your friend, that is not a problem, but if the player is an opponent, I would rather you bet on the best hand than on the บาคาร่า. This is because the right card can give you the best starting hand and therefore the best hand at the end of the game.

The basic rule for using the right card is that you should always bet on the Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds and Ace of Clubs. Of course there are other ways of using the right card, but the above are the most common ones. Although using the right card is not as important as using the best hand, it is still an important part of the game.